Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Veggie Burger - It's What's For Dinner

My roommate has been talking about this book she recently read, "Skinny Bitch," and how great it was. I had heard of the book before, but thought I knew pretty much everything that would be in it. I try to eat meat rarely and avoid places like McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, and the like, but until reading through this book last night I hadn't really comprehended how messed up the meat industry is. I won't go into detail (you can read the horrifying and graphic details for yourself), but I will say that it changed the way I think about all meat and dairy products. It isn't just the negative effects on my own health, but more than anything it is the treatment of the animals. I can't live with myself knowing I am buying and therefore promoting this kind of behavior. It makes me sick, sad, and ready to make a permanent change. So, back to the recipe for tonight. I'm thinking I'll make a veggie burger with avocado, soy cheese, tomato, romaine lettuce, salsa, and sauteed mushrooms.